Adaptation mechanism of agro-indusrial complex of Ukraine in the global food problem

  • S. Halatur
Keywords: food fund, adaptation mechanism, agro-industrial complex, SWOT-analysis, food safety, WTO, globalithation process, statesupport


In the article it is described the mutual influence and connection of the global problems in today's world economy. It is characterized the global food problem as a manifestation of the crisis state of the modern economic relations. It is systematized the methodical approaches to the study of food crises. It is analyzed the state of food security in the global development of the world economic relations. It is investigated the instruments of supranational regulation of the world agrarian sector. It is grounded the food resources as a development factor of the “new agro-food” countries. It is revealed the prospective areas of food policy of the “new agro-food” countries.



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Economics sciences